This company was the beneficiary of an Igape grant for
digitization 4.0. The main objective of these grants is to support
the implementation of systems whose purpose is to support
multi-company sectoral processes or individual projects
towards digitization or SME connectivity. Operation
co-financed by the European Union FEDER Galicia Operational
Program 2014-2020 Achieve a more competitive business
fabric A way to make Europe
Re-acciona Program
Operation co-financed by the European Union within the FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Operational Program
This company participates in an internationalization project through the Igape Plan Foexga 2017-2018 program. The main objective of these grants is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician SMEs. The intended result is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Union
FSE Galicia Operational Program2014-2020
As support for the process of internationalization of the company, “Vinigalicia, SL” has aid granted by IGAPE for the hiring of a manager, the opening of the 2016 Call fo raid from IGAPE for the hiring of managers of internationalization, co-financed by the European Social Fund not framed by the FSE Operative Program of Galicia 2014-2020, and included in the Thematic Obxective 08 of obtaining training and a quality job
European Social Fund, the FSE invests in your future
These aids have the objective of facilitating the acquisition of profesional skills in the field of internationalization through internships in companies at the same time as the Galician pymes are supported in their internationalization process. The intended result is that the professionals continue to be hired after their participation, not in the same company or thanks to the practical experience received.
Inega grant for Savings and Efficiency projects in industry and services in 2016
Photovoltaic installation on the roof of a warehouse intended to generate electricity for own consumption, an energy saving project framed and subsidized within the framework program promoted by the Galician energy institute (INEGA).
Operation co-financed by the European Union
FSE Galicia Operational Program 2014-2020
Recruitment of internationalization managers: (IG166)
As support for the process of internationalization of the company, “Vinigalicia, SL” has aid granted by IGAPE for the hiring of a manager, the opening of the 2016 Call fo raid from IGAPE for the hiring of managers of internationalization, co-financed by the European Social Fund not framed by the FSE Operative Program of Galicia 2014-2020, and included in the Thematic Obxective 08 of obtaining training and a quality job.
European Social Fund, the FSE invests in your future.
These aids have the objective of facilitating the acquisition of profesional skills in the field of internationalization through internships in companies at the same time as the Galician pymes are supported in their internationalization process. The intended result is that the professionals continue to be hired after their participation, not in the same company or thanks to the practical experience received.
Photovoltaic installation on the roof of a warehouse intended to generate electricity for own consumption, an energy saving project framed and subsidized within the framework program promoted by the Galician energy institute (INEGA).